Thursday 24 November 2011

My Re-Write Notes Are Rubbish

I was tired when I was last scribbling down changes to be made to Chapter One.

Tonight, as I re-wrote, I came across this note scrawled in the margins.


I can only imagine I was reading the chapter and, in my weariness, was struck by an unexplained detail: Just how the hell were these people staying on the ground? What, did they think they could just walk around, their kinetic output reacting with other forces to create movement and nobody would notice?? I must explain this otherworldly force to the audience in detail!

I kid. I am pretty sure I know what I meant. But let this be a warning:

Make your re-write notes very clear, and don't write them when you're deliriously tired.

Or you might end up accidentally writing a physics textbook.


  1. My first assumption was that maybe your characters were on another planet! In which case you might, you know, have to explain gravity. Although it also occurs to me that many science fiction stories take place on other planets without the storyteller ever pausing to explain gravity.

    Glad you could remember what you actually meant!

  2. Haha, close enough though! They're on a spaceship and gradually getting closer to an engine that is warping gravity. What I meant to say was 'Explain how gravity is quickly increasing'.

    There was a line that went something like 'Dom tripled his body weight in three steps and...', though I didn't at any point say why that might be. For all the reader knows, he could have just eaten a huge pile of burgers. In the end, I figured it out :p
