Tuesday 17 January 2012

Week 2 - Learning to Draw

I decided to teach myself how to draw. It's been a challenge, but I'm hopeful to be able to draw illustrations for a little webcomic style idea I've had.

This was my first attempt at a head:

And this is one I did tonight.

Bring on week 3! More about the comic strip as it happens.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Time Consuming Novels...

Man, it takes ages to write a novel.

I mean, it might not seem like much while you're doing it, or while you're waiting for new installments in your favourite trilogy, but holy balls it takes a long time.

Just to pick one example out of the blue: God created the world in seven days, and then rested on the eigth. Well, it's been 4.5 billion years since then, and he only managed to put the finishing touches on the bible about 2000 years ago.

And that was with the help of 27 co-authors.

"What the hell was I thinking when I created writer's block??"

Writing. It takes way longer than creating a whole planet from nothing.