Friday 15 February 2013

Query Tracker 2013 - Rejection 2

The next rejection is in! This one took a much more civilised week and a half, which is not quite as soul destroying as an 8-hour turn around. So things are improving!

Another agency that has my query only responds to those that it is interested in, so I'll assume for now that they are also not going to put through a request for the full MS so that I don't have to do a separate update. If it changes, oh my gosh will you know about it.

Nose to the grindstone, and all that. Another flurry of queries go out tomorrow. I'm running out of agencies that I know off the top of my head, so I'll be stepping up the required research.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Query Tracker 2013!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have set something of a record, I'm sure.

I sent off my first query for Crisis Generation of 2013 at 10:45pm on Tuesday, February 5. I received my form rejection letter at 10:10am Wednesday, February 6. Less than twelve hours from 'send' to 'No, thanks :-)'.

Because I always endeavour to be more like Han Solo, I'm going to take his attitude toward this one.

Two more queries have been sent. One I am quite sure I've made a terrible mistake with, so let's settle for one more query has been sent.

I'll keep QueryTracker 2013 updated as the year progresses!

If we get to 2014 with no result, Crisis Generation will become a 0.99c e-book in the Kindle store.