Wednesday 12 October 2011

NaNoWriMo - The Countdown

I have decided to do something I've never done before. A little while ago I posted about Cyberpunk and how elusive it seemed at the time. I mentioned I was trying to crack a story in my head that was nestled in the genre. Well, I did. I have an outline. It needs refining, but I like it.

And it so happens that NaNoWriMo is just around the corner.

If not for confirmation bias, I'd swear the 'writers drink lots of coffee' thing is a baseless stereotype.

If you've never heard of it (which, I am pretty sure, is only an outside chance), NaNoWriMo challenges you, the writer, to churn out 50,000 words worth of story in a month. Specifically, the month of November. That's it. There's no prize for winning, there's no punishment for failing. It's a wonderful way of motivating people to write. Essentially it throws us all together and says 'See? You aren't alone. Other people think stringing thousands of words together at a time is a good idea, too!'.

I have never done it before, and so I've decided to make November the month that I turn my 6,000 word Cyberpunk YA outline into the first 50,000 words of a first draft manuscript. I'll post updates here as frequently as I can, including a few lead up posts.

For now, here is a screenshot of the most exciting thing an author can think of: the title page of a brand new story that can't wait to be told.

Leave a comment if you're a WriMoer yourself! I'd love to follow others' progress.


  1. Hey! Always awesome to hear about one more person excited for NaNo. I think it's gonna be a great year. Your story intrigues me--I live the concept of cyberpunk, especially now when it has an arguable retro-futurism to it. Following your blog now! :)

  2. I'm also a Wrimoer! @tallulahlucy on Twitter :) YA actually works really well for NaNo in my experience because it's less complex and dialogue is easier than say historical fiction or high fantasy or something like that. I put down my tips for new Wrimoers here if you're at all interested :)

  3. Thanks, Vi! Great to hear from you. Cyberpunk always interested me from afar, it's only recently that I decided to try and unpick it. I love the grittiness that invariably comes with it.

    Hi Taly! Thanks for the link, I am a very big fan of point 2. In fact I have a whole post coming up about planning, heheh. But I'm really going to make an effort on point 1. I'm perusing the forums over at nanowrimo right now. Hopefully will even go to a few write-ins in my hometown! It's all very interesting and exciting.
